Monday, February 22, 2010

Food, Inc. Pt.3

The opening segment on pg. 183 sucked me in right away. I always enjoying reading about standing up against the powers that be. Or the big corporations and government that establish the system of eating in our country. Its all about making a buck. The food corporations in this county with the help of the government have taken advantage of the American people by providing us with ready to eat, quick, and cheap meals. Not only has this made us lazy and unwilling to enjoy our own cooking but they have cut their costs by creating sometimes synthetic food that is horrible for us. As Salatin put, it is time to opt out and say no more!
I found the section about daily and calcium consumption to be much of a surprise. I was always under the impression that no matter how much calcium and dairy you consume, the effects can only be positive. This section has opened my eyes to some interesting long term effects if you consume too much daily. I was surprised to see that osteoporosis is directly related to populations that consume large quantities of calcium and diary.

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