Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lost Mountain Pt. 2

While continuing to read this story of devastation I have found myself more and more against coal mining. It is sad that our main source of energy is coal. coal mining does nothing but cause damage to its surroundings. In the sections I read it talked about Flyrock. Flyrock is basically the rubble,rocks and boulders that shoot down from the mountain top explosions. The coal companies are told to keep distance from from residential areas but there are many personal accounts of Flyrock getting uncomfortably close to communities. The issue of Flyrock is chilling. When I think of Flyrock the first image that comes to my mind would be one of a feeling of being under attack. The fear that must be experienced by these peoples must be similar to that of a war zone. This is just another example of how the negligent the coal mining companies operate.
I am staunchly against coal mining and want the government to push for strict regulations for the mining. Not only should there be stricter regulations but there needs to be a serious campaign and movement for alternative energies that don't require the eventual destruction of humanity by hands of humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when you say that there needs to be a serious alternative energy movement. The bottom line is that the current coal mining techniques are causing more harm then they are good. I realize that our power has to come from somewhere, especially with most of the population living in cities, but there are means of producing energy that don't have nearly the environmental impact as coal mining.
